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Automated Tax Services

Tax Automation

Are You Getting Maximum Value From Your Tax Automation Technology & Solutions?

Within many corporate tax departments, tax automation software is often underutilized. Leveraging technology investments to their fullest potential gives your team the power to handle peak reporting deadlines, avoid calculation errors, and address evolving business demands.

We help you get the return you expect from your investment.

GTM’s industry-leading automated tax services team are experts in implementing, enhancing, and maintaining tax technology  and tax automation solutions for mid-size and large multinational organizations. Our flexible, individualized approach allows us to work side-by-side with you to address your specific challenges and execute value-added solutions in all tax functional areas.

Our automated tax services focus on:

Technology should always be a component of updating antiquated processes within corporate tax to infuse automation, efficiency, and quality control by replacing manual activities. With technology always changing, it is also critical to evaluate and refine usage over time. Our team has deep expertise in all common corporate tax software platforms including ONESOURCE, Corptax, Vertex, Sage and Longview. To ensure you get the maximum benefit of technology in your department, we help you explore options and implement them, or refine the usage of solutions you already have in place.

Data is at the core of what we do within corporate tax. Getting it into usable formats, working with it effectively, and extracting information from data can be cumbersome. Specific technologies, like Alteryx, Qlik, Tableau, and Microsoft PowerBI, can help tax departments in this area. Our team helps you leverage tools like these to automate data wrangling exercises, calculate insightful analytics, and produce interactive visualizations or dashboards.

Tax departments have unique requirements around day-to-day operations. Improved document management, automated task assignment, integrated status tracking, organized tax calendars, and centralized lists are common byproducts of the technological enablement of a tax department through collaboration software. We work with applications like Microsoft SharePoint as well as tax specific products like ONESOURCE to enhance the way your department approaches work.

From automating simple things like sending reminders as due dates approach to developing more complicated bots that execute end-to-end automation across multiple platforms, our team has the experience necessary to recommend enhancement opportunities and implement effectively. Our practical approach evaluates the root cause of challenges, ensures solutions add value, and minimizes the ongoing maintenance burden.

Featured White paper
White Paper: Deploying a Tax Technology Strategy
Deploying a Tax Technology Strategy

Fully leveraging technology to get ahead of new demands requires modern tax departments to think differently. Learn how to deploy a tax technology strategy that empowers your tax department’s people and processes to be dynamic and efficient. This paper shares 10 pages of ideas and approaches to help ease the burden of navigating an unpredictable tax environment.

Tax Automation Software & Technologies for the Modern Tax Department

GTM’s team of automated tax service experts works with the leading software applications on the market and emerging technologies. Our practical approach implements best-in-class and sustainable solutions that help your team exceed reporting deadlines to release earnings faster, implement risk mitigation to avoid a higher chance of error, and properly structure your data. We enable your people and processes to be dynamic and thrive in an environment where the only true constant is change. 

Automated Tax Service Practice Leaders

Anthony Sorrentino

Managing Director, Tax Automation Services

Dante Colonna

Director, Tax Automation Services

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