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Get Your Hands Off Sales Tax

Get Your Hands Off Sales Tax

James Ford
Managing Director
David Hillegass
Managing Director
Webinar Date:

The sales and use tax compliance process is a time-consuming and data-intensive exercise.

During the monthly close cycle, a tax department must quickly compile, reconcile, and transform sales and procurement data from multiple sources. Subsequently, returns must be prepared; checks cut; and ACH payments generated, approved, uploaded, and executed.

This entire process must be completed in a matter of days and can be prone to errors and inaccuracies, especially with manual steps. Since this is a statutory requirement, penalties for any compliance missteps can be steep. As a result, the process must be as automated and controlled as possible.

In this webinar Jim Ford and David Hillegass, Managing Directors of GTM’s State & Local Tax Practice, will discuss options for this compliance function, with a focus on getting it out of your hands via an outsourcing model.

Specific topics will include:

  • The different options for automating the sales and use tax compliance function
  • The considerations and value proposition for an outsourced model
  • The benefits, detriments, and costs for each option
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