Webinar: Fine-Tuning Your GILTI Inclusion Calculations Powered By Alteryx

Webinar: Fine-Tuning Your GILTI Inclusion Calculations Powered By Alteryx

Raymond Wynman
Managing Director
Ryan Lynch
Managing Director & Chief Growth Officer
Webinar Date:

U.S. and foreign multinational organizations face an array of international tax planning and compliance challenges following the implementation of the U.S. Tax Cuts & Jobs Act. These complexities have become especially evident following Treasury’s issue of final and proposed regulations across the U.S. International Tax Regime – including those related to Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI).

During this webinar, Raymond Wynman, Managing Director of GTM’s International Tax Practice, and Ryan Lynch, GTM’s Chief Technology & Information Officer and Managing Director of Tax Automation Services, will discuss common, manual methods and data processes associated with the GILTI calculation and how those can be fine-tuned through the use of technology enabled computational models. Webinar participants will leave the session with a clear understanding of how Alteryx can be used to execute the GILTI calculation more quickly and efficiently, and with less risk for inaccuracies.

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