Webinar: Back to the Future – Significant Changes Expected to the 2020 Form 5471 (Again)

Webinar: Back to the Future – Significant Changes Expected to the 2020 Form 5471 (Again)

Raymond Wynman
Managing Director
Brian Abbey
Managing Director, International Tax
Webinar Date:


In 2020, the IRS proposed new changes to the Information Return of U.S. Personas with Respect to Certain Foreign Corporations – known as Form 5471 – which will impact reporting requirements for prior tax years for US taxpayers with ownership in foreign corporations.

Our webinar

In this live, one-hour webinar, GTM’s Brian Abbey and Raymond Wynman will examine the changes to the form expected for tax year 2020.

What attendees learn

This will include a detailed overview of new schedules Q and R, which require taxpayers to provide significant amounts of information not previously needed, such as:

  • Income, deductions and assets by Subpart F income groups
  • Distributions including Section 986(c) gain/loss

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