What Our Interns Are Saying
My internship with GTM introduced me to finance operations and the role they play in supporting the greater organization. With the help of my team, I expanded my knowledge in accounting and billing processes, learned how Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) work, and gained experience in various finance department technologies. As I move forward, GTM will be the benchmark for what I should expect from future internships and other professional opportunities.
Connor K.Finance Intern, Temple University 
The insights and knowledge that I gained as a GTM intern have truly allowed me to grow as a future HR professional. GTM has created a corporate culture that empowers and uplifts its team members, supports their strengths, and invests in their success. As I move forward with my career, my goal is to replicate this culture at my future workplaces.
Megan B.Human Resources Intern, La Salle University 
GTM’s Internship Program substantially broadened my knowledge of corporate tax. I learned how to prepare State and Federal tax returns, became familiar with key tax technology platforms including ONESOURCE Income Tax and GoSystem and was mentored by staff to ensure that my efforts were successful, while making professional connections that have helped me launch the next phase of my career. I recommend GTM’s Internship Program to any students who want to explore a career in corporate tax.
Colby S.Tax Intern, Chestnut Hill College