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Webinar: International Tax Traps and Opportunities in 2023

Webinar: International Tax Traps and Opportunities in 2023

Raymond Wynman
Managing Director
Ross McKinney
Managing Director
Bob Smith
Senior Tax Manager
Webinar Date:

The rising interest rate environment and changes to key provisions under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ("TCJA") in effect for 2023 present taxpayers with potential traps and planning opportunities. In this one-hour webinar, Raymond WynmanRoss Mckinney, and Bob Smith review a number of key international corporate tax issues which taxpayers should plan to address in 2023.

Specifically, they will discuss:

  • CFC expense apportionment in GILTI HTE/tested income calculations
  • Allocation and apportionment of foreign taxes on disregarded payments
  • Sec. 905(c) tax redetermination and process
  • International Implications of Mandatory R&D Capitalization
  • Domestic interest expense planning opportunities
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